Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Celebrating Dr. Seuss

In celebration of Dr. Seuss's birthday the Octopi read "And to Think I Saw it on Mulberry Street" then wrote their own versions of what they saw on the way to school. Here they are:

                                        What I saw on Melonhoney Street
                                                                      By S.C.
     When I was walking home from school, on the side of Melonhoney Street, I saw a seven-foot-tall man. The man had a majestic silver beard, nearly six feet long. The man was doing some sort of a ritual and was chanting. When I walked closer, I saw a tall, silver, ghost. He looked at me and said, “Shane, you are not going crazy. I am the ghost of your great-grandson. I have time-traveled here to let you know that the steps you have taken to this man will change you and what you think of, and see the world as, forever.” 
I didn’t get to reply to my great-grandson because he just melted into ectoplasm. Then I took another step towards the man doing the ritual. Finally, I reached him. He looked at me, and I was filled with knowledge. I knew how to see the entire universe with a simple combination of salsa and Swiss cheese. I knew everything. Then the man looked away from me and I forgot all of the things I just learned.
I  looked behind myself, and I saw thirty pink bison charging directly at me, with a man riding an eagle while yodeling flying up in the air, while an airplane suddenly grew giant bird’s wings, and during all of that, Abraham Lincoln was literally right in front of me delivering the Gettysburg Address! And you know what I did; I ran. I wanted to go home and stop this insanity! I didn’t care if they threw me in the Looney bin; I just wanted to be normal!
 As I was running home I looked to my left, an evil ice cream man wearing sailors’ clothes looked at me and threw raw, black liver and onions at my face. I looked to my right; a tribe of angry purple cannibals launched burned apple pies at me. I tried to dodge but all I got was the taste of raw liver and burned pie (The pie tasted like my Aunt Marie’s pies. Don’t tell her I said that.). When I looked up; the man riding the eagle was trying to launch blue smelly whoopee cushions at me. After that I needed a shower. Then I saw a zombie version of President Andrew Johnson riding a zombie horse. I never ran so fast in my life. As I was sprinting home, I found a deer wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket standing with his elbow on a Lamborghini with four doe standing around him. I really need a psychologist.  Then I heard a weird growl, looked behind me, and saw a bear driving a Ferrari headed right for me. I ran all the way back home and told my dad everything. And I did end up with a psychologist.
Shore Cliff Street
By R.J.
When I got in the car to go home I saw a family moving to their new house they bought on Shore Cliff Street. Their house was green and light blue on the outside and inside it was red and had wood flooring.
Then I saw a ice cream store and inside the store was a girl and her mom getting French vanilla and chocolate ice cream. Then a jumping monkey came in the store and used its tail to hit the ice cream the girl and her mother had paid for.
As we drove down the street I saw a cute puppy but the puppy was a wolf trying to attack us but we scared him away. Just then Selena Gomez came and said “I can sing the songs you love “ .
“ You can?”
“ Yes I can ”.
“ Thanks” .
“ So what song do want me to sing?”
“ Maybe  Who says”.
“ Ok”.
   So she sang the song Who Says and I loved it . But I was just dreaming and all I saw was a family moving in.
And to Think I Saw it on Fish Street
                                                                        By M.J.
When I leave home to drive to school, I saw Antvenom riding an old red car. A VERY old car, it was rattling and spitting off fumes from its exhaust pipes. That car needed something to make it better so it should be a white limo with PewDePie in the back but it needed more. Now let us put Skydoesminecraft in with PewDePie and make Ant ride in the back with Sky and Pewdy and make Fernando Alonso drive the limo.
                It is good but it needs something more. Let us have the limo be a sleek sports-limo and make it be on a huge racetrack in the mountains but still it needs even more stuff. Now let us make the track 100 miles long and have Deadmau5 the DJ play some tracks behind the limo in a trailer. STILL it needs something more so let’s put speakers in the limo so Ant, Pewdy and Sky  can listen to Deadmau5 and make the limo have a bar and an HD TV as well.
                This is great! However, it needs a couple more things to make it perfect. Let us have a police escort full with planes, helis and cars. In addition, let us have an airstrip on a HUGE black trailer.
                It’s PERFECT! It’s the best story yet! I’ll tell my parents when I get back from school! I wonder what they will say. It is only a mystery for now!      

                                      And To Think That I Saw It On Whatchama St.

                                                                       By G.B.
Every Day when I walk to school I think of my day, today, I realized, was Monday and every Monday we each say one thing we saw and so I had to come up with something quick . I looked and I looked, for something interesting to talk about but the only thing that I saw was a pot. The pot was a light green and it looked like an Egyptian man. The reason that all I saw was a pot is because we are the only house that is on Whatchama Street, and we are the only people that go down Whatchama Street.
I thought that maybe I could exaggerate just a little so I decided that instead of a pot it could be a person and not just any person but the president of Egypt and not just the president of Egypt but also Lady Ga Ga, Taylor Swift, and Pink, but not that I saw it on Whatchama Street.
Then I kept walking and as soon as I left Whatchama Street I saw something new it was a pet shop! I decided to go in the pet shop and then it hit me I could say that the president of Egypt ,Lady Ga Ga ,Taylor Swift, and Pink were in the pet shop and they were all buying kitty Katz !B-s)
I saw a puppy it was the only puppy in the store  plus it was the cutest puppy that I had ever seen And I decided to say that I bought the puppy and so I took a picture of the puppy so I could take it to school and show everybody.  I just realized that the president  of Egypt ,Lady Ga Ga ,Taylor Swift, and Pink do not like the same things so Lady Ga Ga would buy a lizard the president of Egypt would buy a camel, Taylor Swift would buy a cat and pink would buy a frog so that would make more sense. And that’s what I told My friends and surprisingly they all believed me.
And to Think I Saw it on Marine View Drive
                                                                         By: F.B. 
            I was the only one riding on the bus down Marine View Drive the only thing odd about today was that the bus driver was wearing a pink dress and an orange feather boa. When all of the sudden the bus driver disappeared and the bus crashed onto the side of the road. I slowly got up and kicked out the kick out window. As I climbed out of the bus I saw a very big cave with ivy growing on it. Luckily I had a flashlight in my backpack I went and got my flashlight.
            As I turned on the flashlight I was able to see that the cave was earthy and it had roots growing out from the top of it. I decided to go into the cave. The farther I went the more twists and turns I came across. Until I saw a light not too far away I said, “Hello my name is Ashley who are you?” “Hello I am hobo Joe,” he hollered back to me.
          As it got closer I saw an old man in dirty clothes using an old stick to stir a ghastly looking stew. I told him what had happened to me finishing by saying, “and I really need to go to school because there is a very important field trip I can’t miss”. Hobo Joe thought for a while and then hollered, “Hey boys, come over 'ere.”
          Two more hobos came running. The first hobo had brown pants with lots of stains on it, with a reddish grayish shirt. The second hobo had tan pants and a gray shirt. Hobo Joe said, “Take her up to 53rd avenue.”  He smiled and waved as we walked away and I waved back. The two other hobos walked me up through a tunnel and right to my school. I said thank you and good bye.
            All of the sudden I heard my brother’s voice say, “Wake up! Wake up!” As I opened my eyes and realized none of it had happened but it had felt so real. I stood up and looked around the room it was nice and calm. As I pulled on my clothes and I thought about my dream. When I walked into the kitchen I saw my mother taking my brother’s temperature finally she announced he would not be going to school today. I thought for a minute and then figured out that I would be the only kid on the bus today. As I walked to the bus stop I saw that the bus driver was wearing a pink dress and an orange feather boa.      
And to Think That I Saw it On Chestnut Street
                                                                    By S.L.B
When I got on the bus to go home, I decided to say something good when my mom asked me what I saw like she always does. I looked, and looked, but all I saw was a small black dog on the side of a Chestnut Drive. I knew that wasn’t enough to tell so I had to think of something else. What if the dog was a wolf? But wolves never travel without a pack, so maybe a pack of wolves. And what if they have trainers- no better yet, they could be in the circus. There could be acrobats, hanging on each other’s shoulders and knees. And to think that saw it on Chestnut Drive. Then marching around could be talking fish, and dancing squirrels. And to think that I saw it on Chestnut Drive. I saw people swinging vine to vine, and monkeys drinking cups of tea. And to think that I saw it on Chestnut Street. There was a tent with wolves, next to animal control and a tent with lions, and tigers, and bears! And to think that I saw it on Chestnut Drive.  And just so nobody would miss the show they had seating on the sides of Animal Control. They were being carried by 2 strong men, that both carried 2 boxes of 10 seats in each hand. I got home, and when my mom asked what I saw, all I said was, “Just a small black puppy on the side of Chestnut Drive.”



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